When should I start testing my fuels to prepare for winter?

I get this question often. No matter the time, my answer is always “right now.” Sure it may be too early to determine a range of where the cloud point for the fuel will be all winter, but other factors play into being successful with a cold winter.
One of the most significant negative contributors to winter issues is moisture. Water freezes at 32°F, so too much moisture in fuel can cause problems at temperatures well above the typical cloud point of the fuel.
By testing in fall before we get into the winter months, we can determine the moisture level in the tanks and respond early to potential issues. For example, elevated moisture levels can indicate a water bottom and lead to plugged filters, iced filters, corrosion, and microbial growth.
It is much easier to fix an issue before it causes significant problems than waiting to find out you have moisture issues and trying to fix them with freezing ambient temperatures. When in doubt, it is always a good idea to take a sample. More information never hurts.
Marshall Root, Major Account Executive